Our pledge is to support sustainability by responsibly producing eco-friendly goods and services.
Environment and Climate
We are committed to promoting environmental sustainability by acting responsibly and delivering products and services that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect our natural resources, and improve the communities in which we live and work.
Our Products & Services
We sell products that control the flow of liquids and gases in a safe and environmentally responsible manner, dramatically reducing leaks of hydrocarbons, gases and other substances into the air, water and soil. Cost-saving digital services like MRCGO, and responsible operational logistics solutions, like our hub-and-spoke distribution model, accelerate transportation efficiencies while helping to reduce the carbon footprint of our value chain.
Emissions in Our Operations
We monitor our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and implement initiatives to reduce them, such as reduction of fleet size, use of more energy efficient vehicles and forklifts, and seeking opportunities for an EV pilot program. Although our electrical consumption is limited to lighting, powering, heating and cooling our work environments, we use engineering controls to reduce unnecessary usage, and we continue to increase the share of electricity we consume from renewable sources. In addition, we have 645,690 square feet of LEED-certified workspace.
Sustainable Supply Chain
We prioritize sourcing and supplying safe, high-quality products. Our industry-leading quality process demands strict adherence to customer, manufacturer, and industry specifications, providing confidence that the products we deliver will not break, crack, leak, or create safety hazards. Our globally integrated quality and testing program is so extensive that many customers use our Approved Manufacturer List as their own.
Water Conservation, Waste Management and Recycling
Protecting Earth’s ecosystem is critical for sustaining life – now and in the future. We track our use of natural resources and advance our conservation efforts through waste reduction programs, recycling programs, use of recycled materials, and engineering controls to promote water conservation to avoid the depletion of these valuable resources.
As a distribution-based company with limited manufacturing capabilities, we do not operate in critical habitats or other high biodiversity value areas. Despite this, we remain committed to reducing our impact on our operations’ local environments.